路由# 321076470

10种方法 管好你的钱

2019年10月31日 7分钟

You might think that mastering money will only come when you're older, 聪明的, have debts paid off, 或者得到加薪. 这都是假的. If you're reading this, you can begin mastering your money now.

在Patelco, 我们设计的产品和工具,使您能够做出健康的财务选择,以建立您的财务健康. If you want to talk more, visit a 本地分支 与…见面 Certified Financial Specialist. Our Certified Financial Specialists can also set up a meeting by phone, 他们是来听你的问题并提供免费指导的,而不是来卖产品的. 他们可以帮助你把这10条建议在你的个人理财之旅中发挥最大的作用.

使用 合理分配收入

1. 先支付自己 with savings and investments

Save and invest 5-10% of your gross annual income. 如果你现在的生活只是从一张薪水到另一张薪水,没有任何真正的进步机会, 在记录了每个月的开支之后,先制定一个可靠的开支计划.

Once you figure out how you can control your discretionary spending, you can redirect the money into a savings account. 对很多人来说, 开始定期储蓄的一个好方法就是从他们的薪水中自动转一小笔钱到储蓄账户或共同基金. The idea: If you don't see it, you don't miss it.

2. 付清你的 信用卡债务

如果你想存钱,而你的信用卡余额很大,比如19岁.8%的人意识到 paying off 信用卡债务 is a guaranteed return of nearly 20% per year. Once you pay off your credit cards, use them only for convenience, and pay off the balance each month. If you tend to run up credit card charges, get rid of the credit card.

3. 监控你的 信用报告

Many of us don’t think about our credit profile very often. You may only consider it if you're finding out your 信用评分 or applying for a loan. 在现实中, 定期检查你的个人资料有助于保护你的身份和财务健康, just like getting a checkup from your doctor helps your physical health.

检查 your 信用报告 is a great way to monitor for identity theft. 报告显示的是你的账户,这样你就能看到是否有你不认识的东西. Learn more on the FTC’s 网站, and request three reports via annualcreditreport.com or 877.322.8228. Innovis also offers a free 信用报告 via their 信用报告页面.

Saving tends to be easier when you have a certain purpose in mind.”

设定目标 为了未来

4. 制定目标 S.M.A.R.T.

当你心中有一个明确的目标时,存钱往往会更容易:为你的第一套房子存钱, 你的退休, a child’s college education, or even a trip around the world. The important thing is for your goals to be specific, 可衡量的, 可操作的, realistic and time-bound, or 聪明的.

  • Whatever your objective, be 具体的.
  • 为了制定一个合理的计划,这些目标必须有时间框架和金额 可衡量的. 一旦你列出并量化了你的目标,你就需要对它们进行优先排序.
  • 计算一下从现在到你想达到目标的时间有多少周或几个月. Divide the estimated cost by the number of weeks or months to make it 可操作的. 这就是你每周或每月需要存多少钱才能有足够的钱.
  • Ask yourself, is this 现实的?
  • Remember, a goal is a dream with a deadline so stick to your 时间线上 if you want to succeed.

5. 买房 (or start saving for one)

According to the US census, 自1968年以来, the median price of new single-family 首页s has gone up almost tenfold; most houses appreciate (gain in value) at rates that meet or beat inflation. Further, 首页 ownership entitles you to major tax breaks. 咨询你的税务顾问或最新的国税局规定,看看你的抵押贷款利息是否可以完全扣除, meaning Uncle Sam helps subsidize your property investment. 此外,你的房屋净值可以成为退休收入的一个重要来源.

Even if you're years away from being able to buy a 首页, 现在就开始存钱, even if it's only a few dollars a month. That’s a step that everyone can take.

有一个 投资策略

6. 利用 tax-deferred investments

如果你的雇主有像401(k)或403(b)这样的延税投资计划,那就使用它. Often, employers will match your investment. 即使他们没有, 在你退休并开始提取资金之前,你的捐款或收入不需要纳税. 延税储蓄意味着你的投资可以比其他方式增长得更快. The same is true of 爱尔兰共和军s, 尽管你每年可以在爱尔兰共和军中投资的最高金额远远少于401(k)或403(b).

7. Diversify your investments tomaximize your return

当涉及到管理风险以最大化回报时,多样化是值得的. 首先,你需要在现金、股票和债券这三种主要资产类别中分散投资. 一旦你决定了这三种投资类别的配置策略, it is important to diversify within each asset. 这意味着在不同的行业购买多种股票,并持有不同期限的债券. 不要错误地把大部分或全部的钱放在“安全”的投资上,比如储蓄账户, share certificates and money market funds. 从长远来看, 通货膨胀和税收将吞噬你在这些“安全港”里的钱的购买力.”

All investments involve some trade-off between risk and return. 分散投资通过将资金分散到不同的投资项目中来减少不必要的风险. Aside from diversification, the single most effective strategy is to invest continuously over time, with a long-term perspective.

为......准备 意想不到的

8. 维护一个 应急基金

在你把新积蓄投入不稳定和难以实现的投资之前, make sure you have at least three months’ worth of expenses saved in an 应急基金. 保持它的流动性将确保你不必在价格下跌时出售投资,并保证你总能快速获得资金.

If you have trouble deciding how much you need to keep on hand, begin by considering the standard expenses you have in a month, 然后估计你将来可能有的所有费用(可能的保险免赔额和其他紧急情况). 一般, 如果你把收入的大部分花在可自由支配的开支上,那么在金融危机中你可以很容易地削减这些开支, the less money you need to keep on hand in your emergency account.

9. 立遗嘱

The simplest way to ensure that your funds, 财产和个人物品将按照您的意愿进行分配,并准备遗嘱. 遗嘱是一份法律文件,确保你的资产将被交给你的家庭成员或你指定的其他受益人. 虽然立遗嘱很简单,但大约一半的美国人死时没有立遗嘱. With no will to indicate your wishes, 法院可以介入,根据你所在州的法律分配你的财产. If you have no apparent heirs and die without a will, it’s even possible that the state may claim your estate.

开始, take an inventory of your assets, 概述你的目标,并决定你希望把你的财产交给哪些朋友和家人. Then, work with a legal advisor to write your will. 确保你的家人知道你有一个遗嘱,当时间到来的时候在哪里找到它. (A safe deposit box or a lawyer’s office are common places.)

10. 为你的家人投保 充分

一场事故, 意想不到的疾病, or death can be financially devastating if you lack proper insurance. 保险的关键是只覆盖那些大到你无法应付和保持财务健康的经济损失. 如果有人依赖你的收入,你需要足够的人寿保险. Long-term 残疾 coverage is important if you need employment income. Also, be sure to carry adequate liability coverage on your 首页 and auto policies.

To save on annual premiums, 提高你的保险免赔额或取消双重保险可能是可行的. And whenever purchasing insurance – life, 首页, 残疾, or auto – be sure to shop around, and buy only from a reputable company.

Source(s) consulted: Broadridge Financial Solutions.

