Routing # 321076470

Saving on Gas, Groceries, and Utilities During Inflation

October 9, 2019 5 mins

当通货膨胀率高企时,人们似乎很难继续支付日常开支,比如 grocery shopping去加油站的次数,每月的水电费. 好消息是,有很多方法可以让你在所有这些领域里花更多的钱.

Save money on gas

1. Follow the Speed Limit
遵守车速限制可以帮你节省油钱. 一般来说,当你加速到每小时50英里以上时,油耗会迅速减少. 时速55英里比65英里能节省15%的油耗, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

2. Avoid Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving, including speeding and rapid acceleration, 在高速公路上可以减少33%的油耗,在城市道路上可以减少5%的油耗. 避免攻击性驾驶的司机可以通过燃烧更少的燃料来省钱.

3. Remove Unnecessary Weight
从你的车上卸下不必要的重量可以节省油钱, according to the US Department of Energy.

4. Use Cruise Control on Highways
在高速公路上使用巡航控制系统可以通过保持连续的速度来帮助你节省高达14%的汽油. 不断加速和减速消耗更多的燃料.

5. Keep Tires Properly Inflated
让你的轮胎适当充气也可以提高你的油耗. 相反,轮胎充气不足会减少你的油耗.

6. Clean or Replace Air Filter as Necessary
必要时清洗或更换车辆的空气过滤器可以节省油钱, particularly if you’re driving an older vehicle.

7. Don’t Idle When Parked
Allowing your car engine to run while idle uses gas. 如果你要空转超过30秒,关掉你的车来节省油钱.

8. Get Engine Tune-Ups as Needed
根据需要对发动机进行调整可以平均提高4%的油耗, according to the US Department of Energy.

9. Reduce Wind Resistance
无论何时开车,你的车辆都必须克服风的阻力. Reducing drag can save money on gas, so keep windows closed on the freeway, and remove roof racks and rooftop storage.

10. Minimize A/C Usage
尽量减少汽车空调的使用可以节省油钱. 在某些情况下,使用空调可以将车辆的燃油经济性降低25%以上, according to the US Department of Energy.

Save money on utilities

1. Adjust Your Thermostat
把恒温器调到华氏68度(或者把暖气调低1度,或者把空调调高1度),这样可以节省家庭取暖费用。. 你可以节省高达5%的家庭能源账单仅仅改变1度.

2. Check Your Toilet for Leaks
Put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. If, without flushing, the coloring begins to appear in the bowl, 你有一个漏洞,每天可能浪费超过100加仑的水.

3. Take Shorter Showers
一次典型的淋浴每分钟要用5到10加仑的水. 把洗澡的时间限制在用肥皂、洗衣服和起床的时间内.

4. Turn Off the Water While Brushing Your Teeth

5. Turn Off the Water While Shaving

6. Use Your Washing Machine Only for Full Loads

7. Keep a Bottle of Drinking Water in the Refrigerator

8. Save Water While Hand Washing Dishes
如果你用手洗盘子,不要让水开着冲洗. 相反,用第二个水槽(或浴缸)装满漂洗水. 把所有洗过的盘子收集起来,然后同时冲洗.

9. Water During the Cool Parts of the Day

10. Use a Broom to Clean Outdoor Areas
车道、人行道和台阶最好用扫帚清洁,而不是用水管. 使用软管会浪费成百上千加仑的水.

Save money on groceries

1. Make a Grocery List and Stick to It

2. Use Coupons Wisely

3. Bring a Calculator
当你购物的时候,把你的总杂货成本加起来,以帮助你保持在预算之内. This way you don’t end up surprised at the checkout.

4. Get to Know the Food Prices
Write down the regular prices of foods you buy often. 这将帮助你弄清楚哪些商店的价格最优惠,以及你是否买到了特价商品.

5. Avoid Shopping When You’re Hungry
当你空腹购物时,所有的东西突然看起来都很美味! You may be more tempted to buy foods you don’t need.

6. Choose Your Aisles
不要在货架上买糖果(或者任何不在你购物清单上的食物)。. Stick to the aisles that have the items on your list.

7. Pick your Fruits and Veggies Carefully
购买不同成熟阶段的新鲜水果以避免浪费. 选择一些成熟的可以吃的水果,还有一些几天后就会成熟的. 这样你就有足够的时间吃完你买的东西.

8. Buy in Season
应季的水果和蔬菜比较便宜. 当新鲜蔬果过季或太贵时,买冷冻或罐装蔬菜和水果.

9. Look High and Low – Not in the Middle
最昂贵的物品通常放在架子上,你可以很容易地看到和拿到它们. 一些较便宜的物品可能在较高或较低的架子上.

10. Look at the Expiry Dates

11. Choose Store Brands

12. Compare the unit price for similar items
单价告诉你某物每“单位”(比如每盎司)的成本是多少。. 大多数报纸都在主价下面用小字标明单价. 这个价格可以帮助你比较不同品牌和包装尺寸的实际成本.


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