Routing # 321076470

Buying a House

October 9, 2019 5 mins

毫无疑问,拥有自己的房子是一件令人兴奋的事情. 毕竟,你一直梦想拥有一个真正属于你自己的地方. 但是买房可能会有压力,尤其是当你第一次买房的时候. 幸运的是,知道会发生什么会让事情变得容易得多.

1. How much house can I afford?

According to a general rule of thumb, 你可以用你年薪的2.5倍买房子. 但决定你能花多少钱买房子并不是那么简单. 由于大多数人都是通过融资购买房屋,所以买房通常意味着要获得抵押贷款. So, 你能在房子上花多少钱通常与你能负担得起多大的抵押贷款有关. To figure this out, 你需要考虑你的月总收入, housing expenses, and any long-term debt.

Generally, if you're applying for a conventional mortgage,

  • 你每月的住房开支(抵押贷款本金和利息), real estate taxes, 房主保险不应该超过你月总收入的28%.
  • In addition, 大多数抵押贷款要求借款人的债务收入比小于或等于43%.

In other words, 你应该花费不超过你每月总收入的43%来偿还长期债务. It may be helpful to use a mortgage calculator to help you with the calculations.

If you’re applying for a conventional mortgage, 你应该花费不超过你每月总收入的43%来偿还长期债务.”

2. Should you use a real estate agent or broker when buying a house?

一个知识渊博的房地产经纪人或买方经纪人可以指导你完成买房的过程,使这个过程更容易. 如果你是第一次买房,这种帮助会特别有用. In particular, an agent or broker can:

  • Help you determine your housing needs
  • 向你展示在你的价格范围内的房产和社区
  • Suggest sources and techniques for financing
  • Prepare and present an offer to purchase
  • Act as an intermediary in negotiations
  • 推荐你可能需要的专业人士(e).g.、律师、按揭经纪人、产权专业人士、检查员)
  • 提供对社区和市场活动的洞察
  • 披露你正在考虑的房产的积极和消极方面

请记住,如果你寻求代理或经纪人的服务, 你会想知道他或她是如何得到补偿的.e.,按销售价格的一定百分比收取固定费用或佣金). 许多州要求代理人或经纪人提前以书面形式向你披露这些信息.

3. Choosing the right home

在你开始看房子之前,提前决定好你想要的房子的特征. 提前知道你想要什么会让你寻找梦想家变得容易得多. Here are some things to consider:

  • Price of home and potential for appreciation
  • Location or neighborhood
  • 建筑质量、楼龄和房屋状况
  • Style of home and lot size
  • Number of bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Quality of local schools
  • Crime level of the area
  • Property taxes
  • Proximity to shopping, schools, and work

4. Making the offer

一旦你找到了房子,你就会想要出价. 大多数房屋销售报价和还价都是通过中介进行的, such as a real estate agent. All terms and conditions of the offer, no matter how minute, 应该写下来以避免将来的问题吗. 通常情况下,你的律师或房地产经纪人会准备一份购买要约,让你签字. 你还会支付象征性的首付款,比如500美元. If the seller accepts the offer to purchase, he or she will sign the contract, 这将成为你和卖方之间有约束力的协议. 出于这个原因,在你签字之前,最好让你的律师审查一下任何收购要约.

5. Other details when buying a house

Once the seller has accepted your offer, you, your real estate agent, 否则,抵押贷款机构将忙于完成完成购房所需的手续和文件. These include finalizing the mortgage loan, appraising the house, surveying the property, and getting homeowners insurance. Typically, 你会以圆满完成房屋检查为条件提出你的报价, so now’s the time to get this done as well.

5. The closing

The closing meeting, also known as a title closing or settlement, can be a tedious process–but when it’s over, the house is finally yours! 交割可能需要以下部分或全部实体出席:卖方和/或卖方的律师, your attorney, 成交代理人(房地产律师或产权公司或抵押贷款人的代表), 还有你的房产经纪人和卖家的. Depending on what state you live in, 所有各方可能被要求立即参加交割,也可能在几周内进行交割. 一些关闭可以通过邮件或互联网进行.


  • 结束披露:这列出了你所选择的贷款的所有最终条款. 您的贷款人必须在实际的结束会议前至少三个工作日向您发送结束披露.
  • 本票:本票列明按揭贷款的金额及还款期限.
  • 抵押:这给了贷款人对财产的留置权.
  • 契约:此契约将财产的合法所有权转让给您.

此外,您还需要提供您已为财产投保的证明. 您还需要支付与获得抵押贷款和完成房地产交易相关的某些成本和费用.


资料来源:Broadridge Financial Solutions,于2019年6月14日发布.


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